Having made the decision to go on this adventure by converting my pension-pot into an annuity, I am now faced with a myriad of options, and have found myself to be somewhat more risk averse than I would have been previously. Probably a combination of age and the need to make any income last until my state pension is drawable in 11 years time!
So on Tuesday I am going to speak to an independent financial advisor! Phewy! For once not trusting my gut reaction to options. And, more scarily am also thinking of taking out medical insurance AND writing a will.
My only slight frustration at the moment is waiting for a reply from the organisation I hope to volunteer with to get back to me following an initial positive response from them. I suppose I just want to get everything sorted at least for my first few months in Guatemala, (at least I know Antigua well). I shall in any case spend the bulk of the time up to Christmas in getting my Spanish flowing again! I technically possess an "Advanced Certificate" however that was four years ago and things have somewhat slipped! But this time I know that my future satisfaction relies on it and becoming fluent is a major life goal for me now.
Once this blog is officially launched on Wednesday, I shall start to explore my aims and ambitions for this adventure. I never realised being 55 could be so significant!
Picture Post: So living in Central America I get to wear my original cowboy hat, my 300* "galón" ~ a plethora of cowboy hat facts HERE.
Nice hat!