Sunday 14 August 2011

Setting up this blog and some financial thoughts.

I have just set up this blog getting it ready for its official launch on 24th August (my birthday) with the clock ticking for a proposed departure date of February 24th, 2012!

The main hurdle for me is can I afford this whole venture, and am I out of my mind? Hmmmmmm.... a little maybe!  But I blame BBC Radio 4, as an avid listener to the radio I heard a programme on pensions which mentioned options at age 55 ~ I have a pension that dates back to my 8 years with the British Airports Authority when it was a government authority this will provide me with a small income until I am 66 when I will start to get my state pension, so some final questions to a financial advisor and I should be clearer, and can evolve a plan.

Of course in the meantime I still need to look for work  ..... as I have to survive until I draw the pension!

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