Sunday, 28 August 2011

So much to do, so little time . . . . . 9 weeks to lift off!

Having started this ball rolling, I am now consumed with sorting out the accretions of the last nine years since my return from seven years in India.   Listing books, cds and dvds on E-bay, the second hand value of these consumables is almost nothing, and I keep asking myself why on earth I bought them in the first place...... I am also putting together a "picture catalogue" of furniture and household items that I want to sell (and secretly hoping to raise enough money to finance a couple of months in Guatemala) odd that my household items will probably not even get me the equivalent of a months rent on this house!  This is not a rant just a sobering thought. However, the good news is that when I leave, I will be like a "snail" with all my worldly goods in my backpack!  OK, with the exception of a small suitcase of clothes and documents left here in the UK, for my annual trip back.

I have also been exploring the possibility of selling the posh camera and getting a small pocket camera/camcorder instead. I like the idea of posting some short videos of my adventures. Would hate you all to forget what my voice sounds like. Ha ha! But would love to share the good, the bad and the ugly with you.

In the midst of all this the TEFL continues, every day a new revelation, I had no idea I had been "Present Perfect Continuous-ing" all these years without knowing it! Amazing!

I am hoping to get to the Kite Festival on the day after my arrival in Guatemala. The festival is held in the cemetery and surroundings of Santiago Sacatepéquez, close to Antigua as part of the "celebration" of the Day of the Dead (of which much more later!) These kites are all hand made by each family and represent the spirits of their departed relatives.
click pic to enlarge

"Guatemaltecos communicate with the spirits of the deceased through the whistle of the wind and the movements of kites at the spectacular annual Kite Festival, on 1 November."

"The kites are constructed out of cloth, coloured paper, bamboo and wire and come in all sizes, ranging from eight to 30 feet. They are true works of art, with brilliant colours and patterns and usually with a religious or folkloric theme. There is a prize for the best design every year and at the end of the contest, the kites are burnt in order for the spirits of the dead to rest in peace."

One thing that is very striking in Guatemala is that although Catholicism is the main religion, the older folk religions are all still thriving and many Guatemaltecos happily practice and integrate both: with or without the Church's blessing!

More next Sunday!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

"Las Aventuras" site launched by Jean Bird

The official launch of my site was carried out by Mrs. Jean Bird on the occasion of my 55th birthday and on the day I have put in train the process for funding this great adventure.

Martin and Jean Bird are my stalwart supporters and it is only through their love and support that I feel totally confident in making this significant lifestyle change.  So it was a great pleasure for me to ask Jean to launch this blog and join in a celebratory glass of fizz!

I do hope as many of you as possible will become members of this blog, your friendly support will be vital to me in my endeavours.

From now on I intend to post to this blog weekly, on a Sunday. Please feel free to email me at any time, and do join the site and comment on my postings.

Thank you.

Michael "KnowmadicMike" Mott

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

TEFL - A new string to my bow!

Thanks to the generosity of close friends, I have been able to purchase an on-line course leading to an advanced certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. I feel certain that acquiring this skill will enable me to be more effective/attractive as a volunteer and may also be the source of a peripatetic income whilst being "Knowmadic". I hope to complete this 120 hour course in good time for my departure.

When I was in primary/junior school it was at the time when the teaching of grammar was out of fashion, soon to be followed by the cessation of the "spelling bee".  So it is quite a revelation to me, at last, to fully comprehend the technical structures behind my native tongue. I am absolutely sure that this lack of grammatical knowledge is why I have found it so difficult to learn a foreign language.

Therefore, I am hoping that when I recommence my Spanish (at escuela Cima del Mundo) it will become easier as I might hopefully know the difference between a past participle and the past tense without feeling past it!  Though I am sure the split infinitive will my constant companion remain!

Monday, 22 August 2011

The Cathedral, La Antigua, Guatemala

The Cathedral by KnowmadicMike
The Cathedral, a photo by KnowmadicMike on Flickr.
A lazy November, Sunday afternoon, the Central Park and Cathedral
(click "KnowmadicMike" above to see more pictures of Antigua)
- I put the November reference in just to remind myself how pleasant the weather will be! 

Sunday, 21 August 2011

With age comes responsibility and opportunity!

Having made the decision to go on this adventure by converting my pension-pot into an annuity, I am now faced with a myriad of options, and have found myself to be somewhat more risk averse than I would have been previously. Probably a combination of age and the need to make any income last until my state pension is drawable in 11 years time!

So on Tuesday I am going to speak to an independent financial advisor!  Phewy! For once not trusting my gut reaction to options.  And, more scarily am also thinking of taking out medical insurance AND writing a will.

My only slight frustration at the moment is waiting for a reply from the organisation I hope to volunteer with to get back to me following an initial positive response from them. I suppose I just want to get everything sorted at least for my first few months in Guatemala, (at least I know Antigua well). I shall in any case spend the bulk of the time up to Christmas in getting my Spanish flowing again! I technically possess an "Advanced Certificate" however that was four years ago and things have somewhat slipped!  But this time I know that my future satisfaction relies on it and becoming fluent is a major life goal for me now.

Once this blog is officially launched on Wednesday, I shall start to explore my aims and ambitions for this adventure. I never realised being 55 could be so significant!

Picture Post: So living in Central America I get to wear my original cowboy hat, my 300* "galón" ~  a plethora of cowboy hat facts HERE.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Why wait?

I have had a detailed discussion with the "pension-pot people" and cast and recast a spreadsheet I created to do the maths and have come to the conclusion that there is no financial or practical advantage in delaying the start of my adventures! So the project launches on my birthday and I am now thinking to depart the last weekend in October.

It gives me just over 10 weeks to organize everything.  More than enough time.

One regret in all this is the cats -  they have been so good for me since January, they have kept me sane and provided so much affection in their own demanding ways! Before I talk to the cats protection league about returning them I am going to see if I can find them a home poor Mr. Moggs and Dame Kiti.

The basic plan is to do 9-10 months a year volunteering with two breaks each year, one to return to the UK and Europe to visit friends (you have been warned!) and a second break to do some travelling in Latin America.

I am sure a pattern will evolve but if I am going to get the maximum out of this project being open to possibilities and creating opportunities will be fundamental.

At the moment I have identified an organisation with whom I would like to volunteer. They run educational and cultural activities in some very poor villages around Antigua Guatemala and also run some business programs for encouraging young entrepreneurs and providing Micro-loans. Am awaiting a telephone interview with them (having already received an encouraging e-mail).

My first task will be to work on the Spanish and that will take most of my time up to Christmas with a plan to be fluent within 12 months.  So a very welcome return to my friends at the "Escuela Cima Del Mundo."

There is also the possibility for some training consultancy work via Al Invest/Eurochambres/my extensive network which has come up as an outcome from the AlInvest Academy in Peru last June.  This may well be a second string to my fiddle in generating a little income in order to make my income go even further!

So very excited.

Picture Post: Volcán de Agua  (Volcano of Water) now defunct but dominating the skyline:

And if I get bored of looking at that one there are always, Acatenango (last erupted 1972) and the still active Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) which "coughs" periodically and has a constant plume of smoke, last (proper?) eruption August 9, 2007!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Setting up this blog and some financial thoughts.

I have just set up this blog getting it ready for its official launch on 24th August (my birthday) with the clock ticking for a proposed departure date of February 24th, 2012!

The main hurdle for me is can I afford this whole venture, and am I out of my mind? Hmmmmmm.... a little maybe!  But I blame BBC Radio 4, as an avid listener to the radio I heard a programme on pensions which mentioned options at age 55 ~ I have a pension that dates back to my 8 years with the British Airports Authority when it was a government authority this will provide me with a small income until I am 66 when I will start to get my state pension, so some final questions to a financial advisor and I should be clearer, and can evolve a plan.

Of course in the meantime I still need to look for work  ..... as I have to survive until I draw the pension!