Sunday, 24 May 2015

Arrival in Spain and "Solo en Cehegín" Week 1

Diary   Tuesday   May 12
Arrived at Madrid airport after 29 hours of travel, flight to Bogotá and from Bogotá to Madrid to the accompaniment of screaming babies.  Now munching away on my €2 coffee and croissant, woman next to me complained about slow service and I remembered I was no longer in Latin America and the pace of life was expected to be much quicker, especially at an airport.  Crazy first impression was that there were so many tall thin men with non-existent backsides!  Where did that thought come from?

Apart from the screaming babies the flight from Bogotá was on a very shiny new Airbus 330, very comfortable 10 hours and I did not leave my seat. Was reading the book I purchased at Lima airport, after glimpsing a couple of episodes on HBO I decided to read Game of Thrones and so I embark on volume 1, so far so good.  This is only the third novel I am to read in 2 years, this is something that is going to change.

Avianca served the smallest meals I have ever encountered, I have had bigger bocadillos and I only drank water. At Lima I encountered a small problem as I was told that the flight was full and I was on standby, fortunately once I had pointed out that I had a confirmed ticked and even had a seat number (11K) and had 2 further connections  things got sorted. Apparently they changed my seat to accommodate a tour party and in the process de-confirmed my reservation.  However, things got sorted and I was banished to row 26.
Last Friday had a party for my “desperdida”  was a bit subdued, but last guest stayed until nearly 3 am.  My poor Nick was and is being so brave, all this is very tough for him and during Saturday and Sunday he was fighting an increasingly losing battle with tears and I found a very touching note from him amongst my travel documents.  We parted at Trujillo airport and I said it was a “hasta luego” and definitely not a goodbye. And I asked him to go to the waiting taxi rather than me leave him standing there.  He did, but reappeared to give me the biggest smile ever through the glass into the departure lounge.  My brave boy

It is tough for both of us, as I have so many strong feelings for him and need to sort the dragons and demons out that plague me and “relationships!”   I asked him to try and get 3 weeks leave in December-January he has already booked 2 as we plan to be together for Christmas and the New Year no matter what the outcome of my “self-development” process.

Short flight to Alicante from Madrid and arrived at hotel around 2pm some 33 hours after leaving the flat.  Poor taxi driver at airport was not pleased to Have waited ages only to take me to El Altet which is a connobation literally at the other side of the runway, a short 5 minute journey but with the €4.25 additional airport surcharge he got €12 which included a 20% tip so he decided to give a begrudging smile in the end. Hostal El Altet is a 2* hotel and is very pleasant especially for €25 a night, the bathroom boasts a bath and you simply cannot imagine the joy of luxuriating in a hot bath for an hour (first bath in nearly 3 years), showers are fine but sometimes only a bath can relax you.
Before ........ 

Had a great lunch for €9,  Salad, Paella, Sardines, Bread, Beer, Crema de Catalana and Carjillo (coffee with a brandy in it).  El Altet is also about 1 km from the Med so walked to the beach and then along it, taking off my shoes and socks and enjoying the sensation of the sand and the sea.  
Was thinking just about the sensation, and the realisation that now I am free, to think to write and to explore. Feels good.   Did battle with this notebook and realised that I really did buy a heap of junk ….. but Marco, has offered to look out an old
After ....... redevelopment close to Alicante Airport - El Altet
laptop of his and lend it me. Eventually went to sleep around 11pm.

Wednesday May 13.
Woke around 7, feeling refreshed and by just after 8 was sitting enjoying a coffee and a tostada con aciete (toasted roll with olive oil) sat till after 9 reading, and then strolled around El Altet, have found that there is a bus to the airport tomorrow at 8:20 and intend to use that rather than spend another €12 on a taxi.
I can see the planes taking off from my room and every other plane seems to be Ryanair!  Wow, airport is big and very busy.  The menu in the hotel is in Spanish, English, French, Swedish and Russian …… which is very telling.
Even after less than 24 hours on mainland Europe I appreciate the order of things and have not heard a single car horn! Cars stop to let you cross the road and all is very peaceful.

This morning once I finished these notes it is more reading, lunch around 2pm, siesta and then a 2 hours walk again by the sea, more reading, wine and tapas for supper and then bed.  Tomorrow is the big day, when I arrive in Cehegin.

WEEK 1. “Solo en Cehegin” - Thursday 14
Checked out of hotel and took the first of three buses to get me to Cehegin.  Lucky that I only had to drag my two bags the short distance to the first bus, as they seemed to weigh a tonne, although they actually weighed only around 38kgs between them.

Hill of the Blacksmiths
By 11.10 I was on the bus to Cehegin and the bus nipped on and of the RM15 autopista to stop at various towns and villages.  Including the popular es-pat towns of Mula and to a lesser extent Bullas;  Maybe in new Cehegin there are more, but in the old town I am safe. 
Very steep!

Sean the letting agent met me at the bus station and we got into conversation and thus he forgot to give me the tour and point out places of interest.   His brother Adrian who is the house owner was ready to greet me, and I feel in love with the house at first sight.  It is quirky, odd layout, low ceilings, but I think Adrian’s wife is a cleaning freak as it was spotless and I have almost every cleaning product known to man in the cupboard, behind the sink, by the toilet and by the washing machine, along with about 5 pairs of rubber gloves!   However the place is just great.

My abode

Two interlocked houses

It was about 38 degrees when I arrived as it was the last day of a heatwave and temperatures were breaking records for the time of year.  Anyways, I unpacked and then decided that the most important thing was to find the shops.  So around 4pm I went in search of “Mercodona”  very Spanish, very friendly supermarket and VERY cheap!  Probably helped by the fact that ALDI has just opened next door, had a look around but definitely prefer Mercadona.   Decided to cook my own version of a very Murcian dish of Rabbit with rice and lentils for supper. And washed it down with a €1 bottle of Rose wine, Ok not the best taste in the world but certainly I have drunk worse.  Martin Skyped me during supper and it was nice to chat to him.

Rush hour

Early evening light

Around 9pm and still very hot, and sunny (sunset is around 9:40) went for a walk and got wonderfully lost in the absolute maze of passages and lanes that wind all over the side of the two hills that form Cehegin old town.   All a bit dilapidated and run down, dotted with loads of old palaces and arches and tunnels but every so often you happen upon small modern squares with a fountain and a trendy sculpture, Spain must have squeezed every last Euro it could from the EU and thii slove little place is all the better for it.   Especially as it is not crawling with tourists or anybody in fact.  On my two combined trips out I think I saw 10 people well definitely no more than 20!

Just by my little house which I now call the “Hermitage”  - because it is full of priceless treasures -  no, there are so many hermitages (hermitas) here I thought I might as well have one too! – and who knows what miracles this one holds.  

Friday 15
Cleaning and sorting out for several hours in the morning, preparing for the visit of Andy tomorrow and hence some cleaning and more food shopping, and buy all those little things that aren’t provided  I have about 20 mugs but no wine glasses or champagne flutesQuel Dommage!   into what am I to pour the €1.69 a bottle cava (there was other stuff for under a euro) and I splashed out nearly €2 euros on tomorrows Rose wine.   Also bought some Crab salad, cold meats, olives etc for drinks on the terrace.

I took another walk this evening and happened upon a place I have seen advertised for sale at only €9000, of course it is a wreck but not a ruin! Might just take a look when Andy is here. 
I have never experienced the feeling of being completely at home in a place from the first second I arrived, well maybe when I first set foot in India, I cannot get over this place, it is designed for study, writing, being creative, contemplation and generally enjoying the good and simple life ……. Here’s hoping.

It is now 9:25pm there is a nice breeze and I am going to take a coffee to the terrace and watch the sun go down, then think about bed as I have to be up around 6 and on a bus by 7 to meet Andy at Murcia airport by 10.  (2 buses and a taxi) ……

May 16 -  21

Met Andy at Murcia San Javier Airport, and he will be here until next Thursday, so diary and blog a little “on-hold”  we get into a routine once he has gone. But lovely that he is here as some exploring is nice to do in company.   Cehegin (old town) is a ghost town with probably less than 40 % of the house in continuous occupation. It was told by the helpful lady in the Panaderia (bakery) that the house are mostly owned by families who have left and only return to Cehegin for the August holidays – many of the house having been in the family for generations.  It is lovely, hardly any cars,  no noise except for the swifts, swallows or house martins of which there are hundreds helpfully dive-bombing my terrace.   For so few people there are 5 supermarkets of various shape and sizes, Aldi seems to be shunned in favour of Mercadona, these are a about 1.5 kms away, but Mercadona has an excellent fish counter and I shall be a regular. 
Andy relaxing uinder makeshift sunshade!

Local dragon!

12th century arch

15th C  Gateway

Sunday was the feast of Saint Isidro, (patron Saint of Farmers) and huge fiesta was taking place in town, however Andy and I were unaware of this and only heard the regular “thunderclaps” that were being launched in to the air every 20 minutes or so.   Visited the local flea market run every month in the disused station carpark, full of ex-pats so I kept to my best-worst Spanish. These same brits would be doing car boot sales every Sunday back in the Uk.   Some lovely stuff available (from the Spanish run stalls) including Antique clocks, farm implements and furniture, all at very reasonale prices.

Caravaca dela Cruz

Playing tourists
             Monday we walked to and from Caravaca de la Cruz on the Via Verde, nice walk of 4.5kms each way. Caravaca is one of 5 holy cities in the world  along with Rome, Jerusalem, Santiago de Compostela and  Toribo de Liebana which can celebrate the perpetual jubilee every 7 years. The next is 2017. 

            Tuesday we decided to walk the route in the opposite direction to the next town of Bullas which was a 12.5km walk, actually we think the walk was much nearer 18kms (12.5 miles) as the signing kept contradicting itself but there was an amazing amount of signage including stop signs and dangerous crossing ahead signs for every farm track that crossed the path! (No doubt EU funded) passed through orchards of apricots and olives and nearer to Bullas we started to pass through vineyards.  Bullas being one of three wine growing areas in Murcia.  
Viaduct on the Via Verde

Bullas vineyard - Via Verde

For our walks we were armed with a mountain of information from the tourist office, the guy there was very enthusiastic, I think we were his only visitors that day (week?) he said that there were literally hundreds of walks to do starting in Cehegin but 90% of them were unmarked.  This sounds like a nice challenge for me, to make a little guide to walking in and around Cehegin. Let’s see.

            Bought a plastic table and umbrella for the terrace, already have two chairs so now alfresco dining will be the order of the day.  Plan to live on the terrace more or less.

Today, Wednesday, is market day looking forward to  seeing what is on offer, and tomorrow we are going to look at some abandoned house which are for sale from as little as €4000. (£2900).  Just curious at this stage.

WEEK 2. Thursday May 21
Cancelled house visits, as miscalculated bus times and Andy and I needed to get going at 11am.  Saw Andy off and returned from Murcia airport to here by 7pm.  Finished off yesterdays food for supper, ratatouille, sausages and papas bravas. Then read a little before bed.   Am enjoying Games of Thrones, pure escapism.

Friday May 22.
Felt a bit odd today, realised the task ahead and found it a bit overwhelming. Went shopping for Mussels and bits and bobs for today.  Had lunch then felt very tired so went to bed for a snooze, which lasted 4 hours got up at 6pm went for a walk, bough a map of the area for walking,  and came back read, found the Spanish equivalent to radio 3 on the “TV”  and did some facebook clearing out, down to 65 “friends”  from 300!  Skyped Andy, read then bed. Decided to try the bed in the downstairs small bedroom, can’t decide which bed I prefer.  One is east west and the other north south (does it make a difference).
Mussels with tomato, chilli and garlic ....... just what the doctor ordered

             Saturday May 23.
             Up early and went for my circumnavigation of the old town, brisk walk 30 minutes saw the sunrise.  Looked at many abandoned houses and keep thinking about a project! Started to make a timetable, with some 16 hours a day to fill 112 hours per week, I need to be structured and not to simply fritter away the time.  Have decided that I will follow the 5:2 diet as need to lose about 8 kgs to get my BMI within bounds.  So my diet will be 2 days fast, 2 days fish, 2 days veg and I day (Sunday) meat. This should be easy especially with the abundance of fruit and veg available here. Good Mediterranean diet, plus the 5:2 element.  Long walks will also be the order of the day twice a week – 20 kms.  Now I have a map I can see that Cehegin sits in the middle of a vast forest, surrounded by hills and mountains.  With swathes of arable land for oranges, lemons, apricots, peaches, olives, vineyards and vegetables.
Hermita de San Sebastian

Cehegín from the hermita

Went for evening walk via the Hermita de San Sebastian to the Hermita de la Virgen el al Puente about 6 kms round trip, I have purchased the Spanish equivalent of an Ordinacne Survey map of the area except it was printed in 1993, so not the most accurate, but better than nothing. Which explains why the main RM15 auto-via is not on it.
Apricot groves as far as the eye can see  (1 euro a kilo)

Came back to a beer, anchovy tostadas and Eurovision, after five songs decided to go to bed.

Dawn:  6:30  Sunday May 24

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