Monday, 25 April 2016

Compromiso - April 23, 2016

Last Saturday - April 23rd, St. George's day was also the day that Nick and I publically recognised our relationship, after 42 months and 2 days since we first met "in the flesh". We held a small party in our lovely new flat and in front of the assembled guests - all special friends of ours here in Trujillo - we said some words, we gave each other rings and cut the cake and drank some "fizz" with a toast given by our dear friend Gerado..

It was a very happy and very emotional time for us both and for our guests - as nobody knew what was going to happen, everybody just thought we were having a party. Some party!

The guest list represented our lives here, Nick had invited some very longstanding close friends and also two colleagues of his from work, I had invited several students and a friend from the orchestra and then we had our mutual friends that we have made since being together.

This was a very unique occasion, as same-sex relationships are not recognised in Peru and people are generally very conservative, so the word "brave" was mentoined quite alot especially as we are wearing rings on our engagement finger (in Peru left hand ring finger) the rings are simple plain silver wedding bands with an inscription engraved on the inside.

We mentioned that we are considering a civil union under UK law at the British embassy in Lima, and then a "conversion" to a marriage in the UK, both at a date to be decided. I so want to be able to say "my husband and I".......

No more to say, except enjoy the pictures, there is rumoured to be a video that I will add shortly (see below)!

The pictures are low-density but high quality pictures are available!  

Table ready for the party

Graciela, Nick and Elisa

Fredy, me, Rafa

Gemie, me, Paula

Nick gives me a ring

I give Nick a ring

We kiss - to much applause!

Cutting the cake.

A group of handsome men!  Carlos, Lucio, Gerardo, Nick, Me, Emilio

Elisa, Graciela, Me, Nick, Carmen

Smiles all round!

A very musical group!

 Video  has been passed by the board of censors, WARNING contains much love!